Services IT strategy
Services IT strategy

A successful IT strategy should be pragmatic, proactive and productive. It thus forms the basis for making IT an enabler for your business.

IT strategy

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1. Task

How do you develop a pragmatic IT strategy?

The goal of the IT strategy is a plan for the strategic development of the IT organization, IT technology, IT processes and digital culture in order to achieve long-term corporate goals.

In this context, it is important that the IT strategy, in addition to the target picture, also provides approaches for pragmatic implementation, their strategic communication and progress controlling.

2. Clarity

The results of the IT strategy provide clarity to the questions:

Organization of IT

Who is involved in IT in the company and does what?

IT technology & IT services

How do we design the hardware and software landscape and ensure information security?

IT processes

How are IT processes organized? Support, operation, provision, security, consulting, etc.?

Digital culture

How is the culture and willingness to develop promoted in the IT department and business unit in terms of role, attitude, self-image and collaboration?

3. Procedure

By linking corporate strategy, digital strategy and IT strategy analysis, a pragmatic target picture is defined.

It is the prerequisite for generating higher and measurable value contributions for the company. Most IT strategies fail during implementation because they do not build on this foundation or presuppose its existence for IT strategy development. Another success factor is the implementation competence and the installation of the ongoing operation.


We understand an IT strategy as a process and not as a one-off event.

To get a new IT strategy off to a good start, we first need a detailed analysis. We will also look at the general corporate strategy here for target identification. The analysis will result in a guideline for alignment and implementation. A plan for the transition.

The main reason why companies pursue an IT strategy is to reduce operational bottlenecks, build synergy effects and create added value through new or improved technology.

A good IT strategy can ensure the success of all your goals. In this way, it could successfully meet external challenges such as increasing competition. A well-thought-out IT strategy can also be a source of sustainable benefits.

What challenges do you have for us?

Are you looking for answers or do you need a different perspective on your business.